
Attn: tradespeople - i really don't like you. please read.?

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I work in a wholesale store that sells to plumbers, builders, and electiricians. In the many years I have dealt with tradespeople, I have come to dislike them very much. I now see all tradespeople as arrogant, obnoxious, vain and testosterone-high. These four characteristics seem to increase exponentially with muscle/ute size. I don't even see the individual person anymore, I don't give the individual a chance anymore. I now just despise from the start and and I have classifed all tradespeople under a blanket. I know that I probably seem quite small-minded, but I must explain that I am plain jane and average looking with quite a meek personality (when im at work) and i feel like these tradespeople are also being judgemental towards me ... they probably think that im just a boring, brown-haired, admin worker.

what do people think about the above statement?




  1. I think that above statement is gross overgeneralization.

    You met a few arrogant and obnoxious people, then promptly turned off your eyes and ears and mind and now see EVERY tradesperson that way. Since you hate them all, they respond to you in kind, and now you're in a self-fulfilling loop.

    Get a grip.

    Or just get into another line of work, so you can hate everyone you deal with there. Eventually you'll figure out that you're just someone who insists on hating everyone.

    You're reading WAY too much into things. You FEEL people are being judgemental? That doesn't mean they ARE, or that any of it has anything to do with your looks.

  2. I think we're getting a bum rap! We are not all high testosterone, cat calling thugs! By the way, what are you wearing?

  3. lol very close to the truth

  4. Wow, from the above statement, I say it's time to quit your job, and start doing something you actually enjoy.  Life is far too short to be stuck in a job you hate.

    I also find some of what you typed to be "funny."  My husbands best friend is a Master Carpenter.  At times he does side jobs for himself...mostly some minor home remodeling jobs.  His number ONE rule now?  The wife of the person he is doing the job for CANNOT BE AT HOME, while he works.  Why?  Because he's sick to death of the wives freaking out and telling him (a Master Carpenter!) how he's doing the job wrong, or how he's making a mess.  Somehow wives think when you knock a hole in a wall, and through brickwork to install a new door it will not be messy, or create dust.  Or that ripping up rotted flooring, and installing new level flooring and putting tile over that will take more than an hour.

    By the way, the Master Carpenter who has been hubbies friend since they were 12 year old boys has an I.Q. of 165, does completely complex math problems in his head, "consumes" books the way some people eat cookies, had an enormous vocabulary, and is muscled about the way King Kong is, and generally has the "brooding bad boy" look down pat.  He's actually funny as heck, smart as a whip, and completely gentle and kind with his daughter.  Do you know how cute it is to see him on the couch with his 12 year old daughter cuddled up to him, while he reads to her?

    I think you are really missing out on getting to know some great people....the tradespeople I've known have been very kind, down to earth, and willing to go WAY out of their way to help a friend in trouble.

    Like my husbands other auto mechanic friend, who drove two hours (one way) to pick up my husband, and tow our truck back home when the trasmition when out, and then two hours back to our house....and with gas prices what they are today!  

    By the way, my husband is a tradesperson too....helicopter mechanic.

    Still, if you are that unhappy with your job, move on, and find something that really interests you.  However I'll let you in on a little "secret."  YOU (and only YOU) tell people how to treat you.  Whether that is with body language, your reactions to things they say, how you present yourself, is YOU telling people how to treat YOU.

    When I was in my 20's I use to work in a job that had two male co-workers, and about 10 other female co-workers.  Every single one of the other female co-workers had trouble with the guys being in-appropriate with them.  I didn't, because I stop the guys dead in their tracts the very first time they tried to be in-appropriate with me.  It only took a couple of times, and they got the message loud and clear that I wan't one to mess with, or in-appropriately flirt with (they would grab the other girls).  One of those guys was eventually arrested for rape (of a 95 year old woman).

    Find something that interests you.  Persue jobs in that field of work.  Take classes, gain knowledge, and self confidence.  Present yourself with confidence, and friendliness....people respond well to that.  Stop B.S. in it's tracks the very first time it happens....don't giggle, or blush, or look down at your feet.  Say, "That was a completely inapropriate comment.  If there is a work related issue I can help you with I will do so, otherwise good-day."  One other thing, do not swear at, or around men, if you do not want them to swear at, or around you.  

    By the way, those tradesmen are often making a VERY good living, without the outrageous student loan debts that someone like a lawyer or doctor has.  Might want to keep that in mind too, before just dismissing them out of hand.


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

  5. First of all, I must say that none of these people is probably looking at you the way you say.  I agree that some tradespeople can seem arrogant.  My defense for them is that they are the experts in their fields.  Sometimes they use language that only their fellow tradespeople can understand.  Please don't rule out that many women are skilled in trades and don't really have high testosterone levels.  What most concerns me about your comments is the way you describe and feel about yourself.  I am plain in that I don't wear make-up and don't spend hours on my hair, but I am beautiful.  I bet you are too.  What we feel on the inside is what others perceive on the outside.  Find your inner beauty!

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