
Attracted to a guy on the phone but when we met- the attraction left- how do I get out of a date on Monday?

by Guest64315  |  earlier

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I met this guy on line and we have been e-mailing and talking on the phone for a while now. I found myself liking him and the attraction was growing until we finally met this evening. There was no physical attraction there at all, after 2 1/2 hours we finally ended the date and he is suppose to call me Monday to go out. Do I just ignore his calls- be honest on the phone or be honest in an e-mail. Help




  1. Be honest on the phone- be nice about it though

  2. Actually if you were/are attracted to his personality I think you should give it a try. Looks aren't everything.

  3. didnt your mom tell you not to talk to strangers on the computer??? gee that is how people get rapped!!!

  4. just go ahead and go on the date.. then tell him you didn't feel a spark of any kind so no need to pursue this any further or you can nip it in the bud and tell him that now.. better to tell him now then tell him later when his feeling might get hurt worse.

  5. rejection emails are pretty lame.

  6. you should tell him that its not gonna work

  7. Sure, just be honest on the phone.  Tell him you're not physically attracted to him, there's no chemistry, yada, yada, yada.  Don't feel forced to go out with anyone.

  8. Be honest on the phone - a rejection by email is pretty low.

  9. should have been honest tonite

  10. nope just tell him the truth and move on

  11. you should definitely call him on the phone or in person cuz no one like to get an email like that i mean have the guts to do it in person or do it on the phone but do it in a nice way  

  12. Be honest with him and just tell him on the phone or in person. Don't ignore him. Who knows he could end up being a really good friend. So be honest, wouldn't you want someone to be straight up with you?

  13. be honest and nice and tell him the way u feel its the best way  

  14. dont ignore him on monday i think if u ignore him, he will get mad at u!!  

  15. answer his call and tell him you'll call him right back and never call again he will get the point.

  16. there is the chance of him going emo and he trys to kill you in 5 year from the day you tell him "sorry i dont like you" >.> just being sure k?

  17. tell him you have a probation coming up.

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