
Attractions/Culture in Sydney for American studying abroad?

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I'll be studying abroad at U. of Sydney from July-December. I'm 20 years old, which means I'll be of age to drink.

My main concerns lie in the fact that I've read its one of the most expensive cities in the world and I'll be living on a tight budget. I would like to experience the NYC-esque "clubbing" a few times at really top-notch places. But what places around the U. of Sydney campus would be the cheapest options to go to have fun? Like to wear khakis/nice jeans, wear a polo shirt, regular shoes, and drink with a decent amount of people?

I guess I'm asking how a guy that likes to party on the weekends can get the most out of this experience without spendings loads of money. Can anyone help out? My friend suggested a place called Scruffys, which sounds around my alley. I'd prefer some places that cost around the same as this place (a little more or less is fine too), although they don't necessarily have to be Irish pubs. Thanks for any and all advice you can offer.




  1. My daughter is 19 and has friends who to Sydney uni from what she has told me the uni has a lot of bars and even some club type venues ,A couple of the clubs she goes to are called Trash ,Blink and Moulin Rouge.

    I don't think you need to hide the fact that you are American unless you are the sort who comes across loud and obnoxious then I think you may get put in your place ,otherwise I think you'll have a great time good luck!

  2. Well first of all i dont think you need to worry about hiding the fact your american. You may get a bit of a mocking, but thats just a bit of fun and kinda like an 'initiation'. Sydney can be an expensive city but as long as you are sensible and know where to go you should be fine. If you stick to the area that the uni is in you will be fine. There are plenty of places around there that are suited for students on a budget. Broadway is a good shopping centre, with a supermarket and a cinema complex and its just across the street from the uni. All around the uni there are plenty of bars with live music, right down king street. There are also plenty of night clubs. they may not be the best places for clubbing, but they are cheap, suited for students and have lots of uni students at them. If you talk to people at the uni when you get here they will give you names of places. People are pretty relaxed when it comes to clothing so just wear something casual and you should be fine. Sydney is a really beautiful city so i really suggest spending some time on the harbour as well as the beaches, The southern beaches - Coogee and Bondi, and the northen beaches - Manly, are accesible by ferry or bus/train and are really beautiful however clubbing and pubs etc is generally more expensive in this area. Hope you have fun and enjoy your time here! goodluck.

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