
Attributes of a Hero?

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What attributes do you think make heroic traits? I was thinking one’s ability to stay true to a core set of values but that seems waay to broad what do you guys think. Please feel free to list some of your heroes and why, I am open to anything and everything.





  1. I guess to achieve heroic deeds you must have heroic traits... two people i consider heroes are Alexander the Great, and Bob Marley. very different but what do they have in common?

    -they were both committed to a specific goal in life that gave their life a meaning... not just working and paying the rent and having a nice car (or guitar or chariot or whatever)

    -they both had absolute faith and confidence in their own ability - they didn't doubt themselves or their actions.

    -they questioned authority and the challenged the status quo.

    -they were both extremely talented, recognised and developed their own strengths, and made sure their weaknesses were irrelevant to their causes

  2. Hereoes have often said there aint much difference between extreme stupidity and hero they are the same person before and after?

    If you take the Aussie light horse brigade charge at Beersheeba, the last known full on horseback assult in war, it was ironic standard military procedure was to dismount with horses out of range to protect them, then hand fight or use light gun fire between opposing sides.

    why this brave assult with the beginning of forming modern day israel as we know it from the road during WWII as it was known continuted onwards, was the larakin sense of humour, the will full disregard for authority, respect and sincerity, to not take themselves seriously.

    Consider the British act of galantry in the last sporting match they won, sorry the ashes really are ours this coming summer, and in this case, the skirmish where the incredibly fit SAS soldier single handedly charged a machine gun nest with bullets spraying at his body cart wheeling and summer saulting towards three very frightened argentinians in the Maldives, sorry it was the Falklands and still is.

    Then finally, imagine supreme defeat, imagine how Aussie British rivalry started with a potentancy towards ANZAC cover, Gallipolli. During WWI where the location of where to land was stuffed up by an inablity to read maps and a decision to withdraw could not be made in time despite massive causalty loss, the cavalary were known as cannon fodder, try telling that to a mom dad, sister grieving younger brother left without their loved ones? The actual act of galantry with Simpsom and his donkey was, he was the Advocate, the comforter, a man dedicated to being a challenger of ideas and behaviour, he lead the injured under gun fire to have their wounds treated and saved many, it was just the done thing, a sense of duty, the idea of belief in a supreme being was all that mattered a greater good could come out of fighting oppression, its more a fact folks will fight hard to save a good man rather than a righteous one, knowing the outcome. Imagine the Turkish Assualt meaningless with gun fire and bully beef cans firing weapons as if folks were still there as evacuated back down the beach in a tactical withdrawal, the galantry is only in turning a major defeat into a modern tourism battle for cell phones that work! Gosh darn thang on the blinks again, why cant I MMS this outta here? Beam me up scotty I dont wanna be here and now its not April yet?

    Think of Paul Revere in America, when I was a kid we were raised on little golden books, "The british are coming, the british are coming?" I think it was another book about tea and having a good dunk, tim tams or lammingtons? Yea it happened at Boston, it was so long ago, think my sister took those books for her snotty nosed grots, hasnt spoken a word to me since I said that, oh me brave, no Paul Revere, fun eh?

  3. I would say Hero would likely be:

    Just an ordinary person doing the odd heroic deed when the need arises.

    You would do it.

    I would do it.

    Anybody would do it.  

  4. Everyone sees different qualities in heroes. For me, a hero must have determination and good intentions. It's going to sound awfully cliche, but I think that the most heroic citizens are people who put their own lives on the line to become Firefighters, Police Officers, etc.

  5. All the woman who keep there baby's are true hero's holding them in there stomach for 9 months to all of them YOU GO GIRLS!!!

  6. traditional, a hero ( or heroine) performed great deeds ( Hercules)  or risked or even gave their lives for others.

    I promise i mean absolutely no offense to anyone, but more and more lately, I hear the word hero used to describe people who went through horrendous circumstances, not of their own choosing, and survived.   I don't mean to insult such people, but to me, survivor does not equal hero.
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