
Auction Prices Query?

by  |  earlier

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Does anyone know how much a firm charges for you to sell at auction. Never done it before so dont know the ins and outs. Does it depend on how much you have to auction off? type of things? Any help would be appreciated. Much Obliged.




  1. About 12 percent of the price you get.

  2. depending, different auction houses charge different amounts, first you have to pay vendors commission plus , this is usually based on the final price of your commission plus you also have to pay 17.5% V.A.T.

    You also have the comission rate which can start anywhere between 5% and can be as high as 20% in some auction houses so its best to find out who has the lowest rates.

    it does not matter how much you sell and what you sell so always find out the ful price before you start to sell.

    Some stuff may need a specialist auction, a general auction is where all stuff is sold and this depends largely on how many people want to buy this item,and if you have say toys, teddy bears jewellry then sometimes this may be better to put into an auction where the buyers are only interested in this particular type of product.

    If this proves to be too expensice why not have a look on Ebay, there fees would generally be a lot lower than an auction house, but just as complicated why not check to see if anyone else is selling what you want to sell and this will give you a general guidline to prices

    it only takes 2 people to make an auction
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