I am about to replace the malfunctioning Bose head unit in my 98 A4 Quattro. I'm pretty comfortable with the removal/ install process- with the exception of causing major issues with the cars security/ computer when disconnecting the battery. I've found information on 'memory saver' devices, but it sounds like that will maintain current through the stereo... as in "what's the point of disconnecting the battery"... yeah.
I've checked out several sites: audiworld ect. but no one seems to mention the issue of cutting current and then trying to get your car back on line without taking it to a shop for scan tool assistance.
I like doing these things myself, I have the head unit kit on order from Crutchfield (very helpful site), so basically I'm wondering if anyone has any tips on the car's security/ computer aspect? I'm searching my Chilton's (yeah, don't laugh) for info re: fuse removal in lieu of battery disconnect... hmm.
If any one knows anything (short of "take it to a prof") I really appreciate it.
Thanks for your time.