
Audience' comments are too nasty for Ding.?

by Guest58032  |  earlier

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people who genuinely love sports would not say those things. Some audience should be kicked out of the hall earlier on. Too much disturbance to everyone. Even Ronnie said, 'if you don't like snooker, why don't you just go'. Well said.

both players are very talented. They must have done a lot to come to this stage, nobody deserves nasty personal comments like those.




  1. Taunting is part of the game, you just have to find ways to deal with it especially in finals as it is always going to happen. Zidane in the world cup is an example of how not to deal with it. Ding will be back and much stronger for the experience next time. The lad is only 19 afterall

  2. I agree

  3. As usual it just takes a couple of nutters and the whole audience is tarred

  4. Well yes..some like to go there and try to be "funny"

  5. I agree. The pressures at this level of Snooker do not need to be compounded by cheap comments. jeers, and booing. This behaviour is shown on tv sets around the world and says nothing positive about our country.

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