
Audio Cassette Adapter Does Not Work. How Can it Be Fixed?

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I got my first car which is a 1999 Ford Taurus. The car does not have a CD player but a tape player. I went to Target and bought a cassette adapter which allows me to connect my iPod and listen to the stereo through the cassette player.

When I first got the adapter it was working fine but now when I put the adapter in the player spits the adapter right out.

I tried this with another adapter i found and the same results occurred.

Does anyone know what the issue is?

If not, is there any other alternatives so I could listen to my iPod in the car that are under $50.




  1. I agree that a FM transmitter is a reasonable option.  However, make sure the spindles on the adapter turn freely.  Your cassette deck may be reacting as if a cassette tape has ended.  I'll bet the adapter is supposed to turn freely as if a tape is playing.  By the way...Play a tape just to make sure the deck is working correctly.

  2. Most modern electronics cannot be fixed.  They need to be replace.

    As for alternatives, is to use a FM transmitter.

    Good Luck...

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