
Audio System question ....?

by  |  earlier

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So . i bought this audio card for my computer and installed it ...

it support 5 channels and its 32 bit or something like that ..

but i only have 2 sets of speakers connected .. a front and center

the front are monitor speakers and the center is a 1.5" sub-hover and a small speaker ...

the volume is low ..

i tried to connect the monitor speakers to the center but the volume was extremely low so i had to put my ear on the speaker to hera and when i connected the sub-hover to it the sound was BAD ... static and loud low pitched voice came out but when i connected the sub to the rear output the voice was good , loud and clear ....

i thought that the center speaker must have a high volume so the output volume is low and the others had medium sized speakers so the output is loud ,,,, are my conclusions right or should i take it back to the shop and replace it ???




  1. yes, take the old sound card and the new one back and ask them if it was compatible.  

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