
Audio out jack in TV to Audio In jack in stero? What is it called?

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Like in the back of your TV there is pry an audio out jack. In the front of your stereo there may be an audio in port. I need the name if the connecting wire. Both only have one hole, not a red and a white.




  1. is there a small cover on it?  does it have a red light coming out of it? is your tv stereo?  the red and white plugs are called composite, if it has a light coming out of it, its called optical.  If its just one orange plug then thats a digital coax or spdif port.  i hope this helps.

  2. There are three possibilities.

    1. You have a stereo mini plug. (looks like headphone jack)

    2. You have digital coax. (usually orange, same connector as the red/whites you are used to but digital and carries left and right audio on a single wire)

    3. You have optical. (square hole, carries left and right audio also)

    Oops, there's one more

    4. you have a mono TV. (one connector that looks like the red/white you are used to)

  3. these other guys are right, if it a newer flat screen, its probably optical,

    Older big screens can use Digital coax.

    You must connect to a stereo with digital inputs, older stereos dont have this type of input.


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