hey<333please no mean answers.im a sweet girla dn i dont like harsh answers so please understand me. ok so,i really want to try out for macy on J.O.N.A.S or Mollywood. macy must be 14, and im turning 14 in december. I myself think im a good actress- considering the fact ive done plays in school, including snging. im unexperienced. i have curly hair- which for some reason people like a lot. its brown.im mexican. is jonas still looking for people for the roles?and for mollywood it doesnt say the roles so all we do is send a picture and resume? and it DOES SAY they can pick u if they like your look alot, an if ur unexperienced.on acting info. so thats a lot lol my MAIN QUESTION/S:1. whens the deadline for both shows to audition?2.roles for mollywood(if you know)3.would i be able to make the cut, since im 13 turning 14 for macy?thanks you all ily<33