
Audition help????10 points!!!?

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I am going to be in the play Sweeney todd and I'm auditioning for mrs.lovett and I need some tips on what to do when i play her for the audition. so any ideas?

10 points for a detailed answer! thanx!




  1. 1. If you mess up, DON'T say ''sorry, can i start over?'' Just say ''i'm going to start over''.

    2. Smile. Smile a lot. :]

    3. have confidence, but don't be too cocky.

    4. be friendly, and be the most outgoing you have ever been!


    Good Luck!

  2. I agree that you have to be yourself. Bring a part of you to the character, but also being familiar with the character is very important. I've seen the play, and the Mrs. Lovett I saw was really great because she connected with the audience, without taking herself too seriously.

    When you sing, put your heart into it. Do NOT sing quietly simply out of nerves; sing in the mirror, whatever it takes to be comfortable.

    Have fun. If you are unhappy on stage, or you look bored, that's going to reflect on the outcome of your audition. Even if you're nervous, smile and be energetic. This shows your abilities, even if you're scared (and I totally unstand that feeling on stage!!)

    Break a leg!

  3. I was in this show 2 months ago in Nashville.  Anyway, to audition you must be able to sing fabulous.  Mrs. Lovett is an extremely hard role to sing.  She sings low (contralto) which is the lowest range for a woman.  You should try singing Children will listen from "Into the woods" or Days of Plenty from "Little Women".  They are both in the range of Mrs. Lovett.  If you are a soprano, you can hang it up.  You need to be alto really....

  4. Use your best English accent, learn the character then get into it, then do the best you possibly can. Good luck! (I loved the movie)

  5. just be yourself!  if you try to be someone that your not then if you get the part it will be really hard not to show your true personality

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