
Auditioning advice please??

by Guest66692  |  earlier

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Okay so I just got an audition. I haven't had much expierience, but ny friends say I'm good. But just to be really good I need some tips. My audition is THIS saturday.




  1. First I'd not let anything get to you people will try to say things to you to get you off guard cause they want the job also. Be confident, Keep your great smile on your face, and one last thing be yourself and have fun! Acting is not just getting jobs its about having fun! Remember that and trust me even if you don't get a call back don't worry rejection is the harshest thing possible in acting. Good Luck and please take this message into consideration I am 13 (Child Actor) Aedrynn G  

  2. oh my goodness. i'm going to the same audition!!! i'm really nervous! i say (this is what i keep trying to remind myself), just be yourself, smile, and be confident.  

  3. I personally would say first stay calm, second smile (it makes a great impression). If you go to it can give you ideas from professional casting people as to what they like and don't like. I wish you luck, and if it is appropriate, break a leg!

  4. tell us what it is for, so we can be helpful

  5. be calm as possible. practice practice practice before even leaving your house. lol make sure you have everything down.

    walk in smile, be yourself, have fun with it. laugh-tell a joke..whatever. let them know your a fun person. be confident in what your doing. take a deep breath and then just audition!

    Good Luck!

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