
Auditioning[help please]!???

by  |  earlier

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I want to audition for a Disney Channels J.O.N.A.S as Macy

and I was wondering If I could send them a video Audition along with my headshot and resume I am juts trying to find a proper way to go about it how exactly do I video audition without a script do I make my own like do a comedy monologue and just make something up that could go with the character im trying to be, I have someone to video record and do lines with me so thats set, any suggestions would be highly appreciated :)




  1. Don't do a video unless you have the script.Plus,you better hurry up because submission deadline is on the 23rd.that's 8 days from now.

  2. dont bother with the video

    unless its a proffessional demo reel

    but just send in your headshot and resume and by how much experience you have and how you look then they will contact you for and audition were you read a a monolouge and sometimes they let you see the script and act it out.......

    but i sent in my resume and headshots also for macy but the jonas brothers said its no longer about spies its just about them trying to be normal and being rock stars so idk if macy might still be a character well good luck

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