
Auditions for a cold-reading audition?

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I have an audition for the play Pride and Prejudice coming up quite soon. As it is not a musical, I will not have to prepare any music. Additionally, they are not asking for me to prepare a monologue. The audition will consist of mostly cold-reading scripts and speeches. Is there any way to prepare for this? Any tips on cold-reading? Much appreciated, thanks.♥




  1. 1.Get a  book and find a part similar to the one you are auditioning for.(you should take get Pride and Prejudice since the character is in there)

    2.Do some cold-reading with the book.

    3.Listen to your voice while talking.Make sure the pitch of your voice fits you character.

    4.Practice on your face expressions.Make sure that your face shows the emotion your character is feeling at the moment.

    5.Also move around. Even though cold-reading is you just standing there you should jump when your character is happy etc.

    6.Remember when you are doing this in practice or in auditions that YOU ARE THE CHARACTER.

    :)Good luck:)

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