
Audtion times?

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i am going to an auditon tommarow at my locol theatre and the auditios are from 9 am to 12pm does that mean i will have to be there from 9 to 12 or i can just show up and audition anywhere from 9 to 12. stupid question i knnow but just making sure




  1. Here's a good rule of thumb in the acting world:

    20 minutes early is on time,

    On time is late,

    Late = no job.

    So yeah, be there at 8:40 AM. Have fun!

  2. Be there at least ten minutes before nine o'clock. To me that reads like it is going to be an audition session that runs from 9 until 12, and you will be required to be there for the entirety of that session. But I mean, even if you aren't, better to be there at nine, discover you are later and then come back, rather than showing up at anytime and having missed your audition. Good luck!
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