
Aug to Feb for Volunteer work - Brazil, Costa Rica, Peru or Venezuela?

by Guest34457  |  earlier

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Hello, I'm planning to Volunteer in Latin America between Aug to Feb. I'd like to take advantage of my work free weekends by heading out around the town, I'm not really looking for a crazy lifestyle but I'm 24 and would like to grab a drink with other young people. Also would like to be surrounded by impressive/breathtaking landscapes. Take into account that I usually get an allergic reaction from salty water.

Between Aug and Feb, wheres the best place to go considering the above. Thanks.




  1. Costa Rica.

  2. try panama. we have a naccional park in the city limits.

    itssssssssssss bigggggggggggggggg....

    hope it helps.

  3. I've seen some breathtaking mountain photos of Peru...

  4. Not sure what part of Venezuela you would be going to but there are lots of young people and lots of great places to go out.  Overall, Venezuela is a beautiful country with lots to see and it needs lots of volunteer work as well...there is a lot of poverty...

  5. Peru is a beautiful country and there is lots of things for you to on the weekends.

    Venezuela has beautiful beaches and so does Costa Rica.

  6. If you're american let me tell you there is an advisory for americans not to go to Venezuela due to the problems with president Chavez.

    Costa Rica is a very nice country, however, I would go to Peru just for the fact that you will have the opportunity to visit the highlands, especially Cuzco and Machu Picchu and many other places. Peru has 3 different natural regions, coast, highlands and jungle so you have more places to visit. Also, you have nice places in Miraflores like the Irish pub where you would meet nice people and have a drink with them.

    There are lots of charities like you can help, Caritas, Hogar de Cristo, etc.

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