
Aunt flow has rears her ugly head again GRR

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So aunt flow has come again!! 25 days later!!

So disappointing after i thought i was pregnant

Better luck next time hey!

Baby dust to all!!





  1. I'm sorry. It is disappointing. I wish you luck for next month. We all have those aunt we could do without(LOL)

  2. i totally feel ya!! ive been ttc for 8 years and awaiting af next week hoping that it wont be there. good luck in the future!!

    *baby dust*

  3. Girl, I will be right there with you soon, I think, I'm 11 dpo and had another BFN.  I know that's early to test, but that's when I got my BFP with the baby that I miscarried in May. Sending tons of sticky baby dust your way, this TTC is agonizing!!!!  

  4. good luck next time girl!!!!

    i know its hard but it' will happen for you and me


    baby dust to you

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