
Aunt makes me feel guilty...should I?

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Well. My aunt is visiting for the week and she lives with my grandparents. Im buying a new camera and she wants the old one But I dont qant to give it to her and Its not the first time she askes for things, shes constantly asking and expecting things from me like writing to her more often(I have my own life with school,homework, sports Im busy enough).She wants me to put music on her mp3 player and set up all her computer things teach her how to use a computer...And this week im on summer break And this is more stressful then school. And she wants to go to a museum that I really dont want to go to because we'll problably spend 5-6 hours there and ive been ther with school so many times. Also Im going shopping with my friend and she makes me feel guilty about not wanting her to come with us,and keeps hinting that she wants to come. Its soooo hard on me. you may thing im selfish for not letting her do things and stuff but you don't understand how needy and how guilty she makes me feel.




  1. Your aunt is lonely and you are kind to do things with her and for her.But you do have a right to your own life too.Be kind but honest.Tell her you love her and will spend some time with her but you have already made some plans of your own.Try to find her someplace to go to meet people in her own age range maybe she will meet a friend.

  2. Tell her u need ur own space,

    she is just trying 2 connect with u. after all she is ur aunt..

    tell her how u feelll and that guilt will get off ur chest.. :D

  3. if she's only here for the week, then just try to be nice to her.

    just remember, if she doesn't have any kids, you'll get her inheritance.

  4. ehh that does sound like a sticky situation. =\

    well, seeing as she IS your aunt I can see why she is trying to spend time with you, especially if she doesnt see you often, but i dont think you should feel guilty for trying to have your own life too.

    Think about it though, sh es only here for a week so just let her know that you have a couple plans going on already this week that you knew about before, but just let her know that you will spend some time with her when you are not doing those other things. Maybe you could go over and help her with all her electronics stuff for one morning, then the nexxt day go out with your friends shopping, then the next day you can take her out to that museum even if it may not be the most fun thing youd want to be doing.

    Just tell her that you have plans with your friends already but when youre done you will spend some time with her and hopefuly she backs off alittle. I hope this helps and im sorry to hear youre in that position!!

    the week will be over sooN! hang in there!


  5. Can't your mom step up to put a halt to her demanding attitude?

    Be nice, tell her she has more needs than you can fulfill, so she can pick one to do.

    Just one.

    Then do it with her or for her.

    She can go shopping with you, or you can teach her some computer, or you can load her pm3 player, whatever she chooses.

    Then, do it.

    Then, make yourself scarce.  And, don't feel guilty.

    It isn't your responsibility to entertain her for the rest of her life!

  6. If you want to keep her off your back even just a little, agree to do at least one thing with her.  Better yet, YOU choose something that you want to do, then ask her to come along.  Limit yourself to that, and tell yourself that you did do that with her, and maybe you won't feel so guilty.

    With that, she has no right to expect all of this from you.  Call her every now and then to placate her, and maybe she won't bug you quite as much.  If you don't want to spend fifty minutes chatting about nothing, when you're ready to end the call, tell her that you're busy but that you had a spare moment to call her, so you did, and now you have work to do (with school and whatnot, that's not completely a lie).  You initiating things will make her feel like she's important to you, and then she'll quit trying to make you see that she wants to be important to you.

    You're not being selfish, I just think that she got annoying so you started pushing her away, but that she's still coming back; so instead of pushing her away, invite her in every now and then, and maybe she won't be so annoying.

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