
Aura help?

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I've got a friend who can see auras, and another who can feel them. One day a while back, we were hanging out and the one who could see (Ralph) said that my usually leaf-green aura turned gold, crimson and violet. My other friend (sean) came by later and we were talking, and the whole time he seemed uncomfortable - when I asked him what was wrong, he said he felt a lot of heat coming from me.

This was a few months ago, and a lot of my independant research is turning up different answers, so I was hoping to find some help here.




  1. Dude! I was going to email you about this (i want to know more) but you don't allow email....

    I guess I'll just ask...

  2. Your probably better off asking your friends what they think it means. People with different types of clairvoyance see things differently, they should have an idea about the standards for theirs. (What I'm saying is, there is no world wide color chart for auras he may see all calm people as blue, while another may see all calm people as green.)

  3. Colors of the Aura!

    Purple=Intuitive, Psychic, mystical understanding, Spiritual attainment, artistic, blending of heart & mind. Crown charka. Creative, abstract.

    Indigo=Higher mental planes, intuition, creative, artistic, intellect combined with intuition, artists.

    Blue=Strong mental powers, intelligence. Light bule-happiness. Dark blue-depression, sadness. Blue is a calm color, tranquil. Professions-Doctors, engineers, science, teachers, etc.

    Green=Healing (self or healing abilities), balance, harmony, abundance, growth, affluence. Dark green-jealousy, envy. Light green-healer, nurse (aqua green).

    Yellow=Joy, wisdom, learning, teaching, mental activity, ideas, self-esteem, happiness, optimism.

    Orange=Warmth, creativity, courage, high energy, vitality, mature sexuality, sociable. Lots of activity, change, achiever, extrovert.

    Red=High physical energy, high s*x drive, impulsive, anger. Dark red-anger, violence, temper. To much red may mean need to rest, too much energy used. Red is good for atheletes or any profession needing lots of physical energy and action i.e. a firemen. Lots of stress, major transitions, changes, frustration.

    Rose/Pink=Love, gentleness, calming. In love, (marriage?) romantic.

    Gold=Highly spiritual, spiritual energy.

    Silver=spiritual, creativity, constant change, protection.

    Gray=Depression, fear, low energy.

    Black=Depression, negativity, malice, low energy.

    White=Protection, purity, highly spiritual, truth, spirit guidance, perfection.

    You and "Ralph" might have been exchanging energy and when "Sean" came by he could have been taking energy from either of you.  The 'heat' he was referring to is your energy.  "Sean" should have understood this if he is one of your friends that can either see or feel them.
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