
Aura question-help please!?

by  |  earlier

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Since I can remember, I've been able to see what I think is quick glimpses of auras.Quick snatches of light. I'm trying to be able to see them more clearly now, when I want to. But I have a few questions- (1) Is it possible to see them all the time, or to train yourself to do so? (2) Before, I have had the following experience: I've been in a pool for a long time, and have opened my eyes up to see underwater. After getting out, I can see a soft glow around almost everything and around everyone, including myself. But the glows were all white. Was that the outer part of an aura or something else?

Thank you!




  1. Probably the chlorine in your eyes.

  2. Auras-seeing is supposed to weaken with age.  However, being able to see auras may indicate symtoms of medical conditions.  Maybe you should see a doctor.  Anyways, auras are obviously not things well researched, so it is difficult to predict whether or not you are seeing them.

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