
Auroras are caused by _________________.?

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A. streams of colored gases from the sun

B. streams of charged particles from the sun

C. comets

D. micrometeorites




  1. homework!  we do homework!  we do scads and scads of homework!

    no. i won't.  read your book....


    (well, maybe one)

  2. b and the magnetic feild

  3. B is partially correct, but it also requires Earths magnetic field and air as ingredients.

  4. B is the answer.

  5. Excessive consumption of fast food.

  6. B. streams of charged particles from the sun

    That's only part of the story.  They're funneled by the Earth's magnetic field, and interact with the upper atmosphere to make the cool display.

  7. None of these are particularly accurate.

    However, B is least wrong.

    The complete story requires the interaction with the Earth's magnetosphere.  It's an interesting story, so read the page at the link below.

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