
Aussie aussie aussie...????

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ok, I am not from Australia, but I totally WISH i was! I truly love that country and im striving to know EVERYTHING i can about it. Today I saw a shirt online that said AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE OI OI OI... what does aussie aussie aussie oi oi oi stand for? PLEASE tell me! i am DYING to know!

thanks a million!




  1. it is a chant aussies use to cheer on their sporting teams, now its just an aussie thing to say (being proud of australia)

  2. Now I could be wrong BUT:

    If I remember correctly the first time I heard "AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE OI OI OI" was at our own Sydney Olympics in 2000.

    It was the cheer our swimming team yelled out while sitting, jumping and dancing in the stands at the aquatic centre and cheering on their team-mates who were racing.

    One person with an extremely LOUD voice leads the chant.

    "Aussie Aussie Aussie! (leader) Oi oi oi! (crowd)

    The first line may or may not be repeated.

    Aussie! (leader) Oi! (crowd)

    Aussie! (leader) Oi! (crowd)

    Aussie Aussie Aussie! (leader) Oi oi oi! " (crowd)

    Juan Antonio Samaranch pleased the Sydney home crowd by personally leading one of these cheers at the Closing Ceremony of the 2000 Sydney Olympics.

  3. I don't know what it means ,but Poker champ Joe Hachem  

    (Check out his Quotes) always says it when he wins a good hand.  The shirt might have been referring to him. He is very popular in the poker world.

  4. i live in Aus and we never stole that saying, its just a chant really, when we compete against other countries..we use it...its just a chant to say proud to be Aussie!

  5. not sure but in uk we have a very similar phrase oggy oggy oggy oi oi oi wich seams as thought those pesky kids in aus decided to steal no worries i shall soon be saying aussie aussie aussie oioioi soon ma self.

    but i honestly have no ide where it came from probs football thats a **** spot and a **** saying in my opinon 2 words repeated 3 times over must have stayed late at office to come up with it, aye im guessing football is to blame Rugby is a proper sport.


  7. It was a term used for rooting or barracking for aussies during sport - particularly became popular during the 2000 Olympics in Sydney.

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