
Aussie pubs?

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For all you Aussies out there: what drinks can I order at a pub/bar that are non-alcoholic?




  1. What's the point of going to an Aussie pub and not drinking?????

    If you smile really nice you might be able to convice the bartender to give some of the milk he's supposed to put in the bailey's.

  2. All the vigins you can handle!

  3. water and softdrink... nothing exciting sorry

  4. Soft drinks.

  5. It's got to be Lemon, Lime and Bitters!

    try it dude, it's delicious!

  6. Bars will have juices too - but the most popular non-alcoholic drink at bars here is still " Lemon - Lime and Bitters", I like soda water or tonic water with a twist of lemon or lime if I'm not drinking, I have also heard people order a "coke and raspberry" but that doesn't sound so good to me.

    Have fun and enjoy your next day hang-over free.

  7. Soft drinks like Coca Cola, Fanta (orange), Sprite (lemonade), Ginger beer, ice water, Solo (lemon) etc.

  8. Water and Club soda..

  9. Aussie's only do alcoholic

  10. Lemon Lime and Bitters

    Soda and Lime

    Tonic Water

    Water and Lime


    Orange Juice

    Non-alcoholic cocktails

    Most Aussie pubs have many non-alcoholic drinks on offer. If anyone tries to hassle you about not drinking alcohol - just tell them that you are the designated driver and they will leave you alone.

  11. soft drinks, milk, water, i think they've got afew there, just ask, dont worry about it, afew people go there with friends and just get water. dont have to drink alcoholic drinks

  12. Ask for Pub Squash - it's basically fizzy lemon drink but it's much tougher sounding :)

    Or ask for a Fire Engine - that's red grenadine cordial in lemonade and it gets you going

    Or of you're feeling a little bit like you could handle a tiny bit of alcohol ask for a Shandy - that's beer and lemonade - you could ask for light (low alcohol beer) but either way, if you're a bloke make sure you make out the Shandy is "for the lady" or you'll get some q***r looks
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