
Aussie vending machines???

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Do they really have gemstones in candy machines?

Do they really have machines selling ringtones, wallpapers etc?

Do they really have condom machines in schools?




  1. They have cheap kiddy jewellery like plastic rings etc.

    Never seen one that sells ringtones.

    There may be condom vending machines in universities not in high schools though.

    Read this for something really strange sold in vending machines.

  2. * Gemstones?? Uh.. nope. Unless you mean the kiddy jewelry.

    * That would be strange. I've never seen any.

    * I've seen condom machines in public toilets, but definately not schools. Maybe at the Uni's though.

  3. someone has told you a load of c**p!

    answers: no, no and DOUBLE NO!

    but they do sell condoms in many public toilets like in other countries.

  4. I seen condom vending machines in public toilets but I don't know what you are on about on those other two.

  5. they even have money in atm,s

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