
Aussies: Are you a binge drinker ??

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How much alcohol do you drink each day? (Be honest, now!) I drink half to one glass of wine (a year ago I used to drink 2-3 serves of whiskey - Irish of course.)

Do you think you drink too much? Many family members and people I have known drink excessively in my opinion.

I think alcohol abuse is the norm rather than the exception in Australia. What do you think?




  1. My family drink quite a bit but I l ive in China now and I never drank as much when I was in Australia as I do  now in China, every time you go out your drink in China and you don't just drink you have to scull a whole glass each time you cheers!!!!!

  2. Yes, I like to consume at least 2 bottles of wine on Fridays and Saturdays.  That is Kosher wine.

  3. I dont drink except at weddings/BBQ, then I have a glass or two of wine.  My husband is the same, and most of our friends.  I only know one heavy drinker, an old guy.

  4. I had a few binges when I was a teen and in my early twenties .. BUT ... I don't find praying to the Porcelain God on cold bathroom tiles much fun these days...

    I think Last year I actually drank four litres of red wine .. for the whole year.. I haven't had a drink this year at all .. I keep Eyeing the Moris Tawny Port in the cupboard BUT .. *save it* for later .. .

    Alcohol is our sacred Cow of drugs in this country .. very very few functions ( ie wedding's birthdays and even christenings for example) are alcohol free ... People look at you weirdly if you say you don't drink.... yet I believe the costs of Alcohol to society would out weigh the costs of smoking to society

    (take into consideration violence, car crashes etc)....

    I'd much rather try and maintain my brain-cells than destroy them.

  5. Hey buddy ♥ Nope, no alcohol for me .........  not anymore that is ..............  recovered alcoholic here (6 years without a drink) ..........  It's pretty scary actually the level of alcohol some people consume and don't even give a second thought about it.  The problem, i think, stems from the fact that it is a socially acceptable way to get high ♥

    Because alcohol is so widely available most people don't think of it as a drug, but it is, and if misused as i so spectacularly did .... can cause an awful lot of damage to your body ♥  That being said though, the human body has an amazing capacity to heal ♥

    Geez, i was drinking in excess of 5 litres of whatever i could get my hands on just before i quit drinking .......  blaaaaah, best ball & chain i ever got rid of ♥



  6. I don't drink too much. It is rarely I have a drink at all, and if I do it is only one. My monthly drinking average would probably be 1 drink.

    The exception is BIG parties, where I might splash out and have 4. This is a 2 times a year sort of thing.

    My boyfriend however drinks like a fish eg 6 a night! Not healthy.

  7. Yes and no.  I rarely drink, even though I have a well-stocked bar set up in my basement.  Occasionally, I'll have just one or two, but sometimes - especially if I don't have to drive anywhere - I'll get drrrrrunk.  As a skunk.  Not throwing-up-on-the-person-next-to-you drunk, but slurred words, poor get the idea.  I never get nasty when drinking (I just love everybody - I'm always happy when drunk), so at least it doesn't cause me trouble that way.  I also never get drunk on my own - it's always in a social setting, with just about everybody else getting at least a bit tipsy.

    To me, the main thing is that I don't drink to excess all the time, and it doesn't happen unless it's planned.  I don't let it sneak up on me, if you know what I mean.

  8. I don't drink everyday. In fact drinking everyday be it just one drink can actually be a form of alcoholism.

    I drink one to two nights a week, one night I may have 4 or 5 others I may get sh*tfaced but thats on the odd occasion. I drink to have fun not to get wasted.

  9. before i had my son i wuz an alcholic and a druggie..i didnt care wut went on in my life..dropped outta skewl got introuble  was jobless and drank smoked etc...then i had my son now i dont really drink cept when i go to the bars n get away...i just cant really stand the taste or smell of weed or alchol nemore.....

  10. Used to be, then graduated to being a 'problem' drinker for some time, now I'm an occasional drinker.

    I agreer that in our society NOT drinking is frowned upon, I can remember my grandfather saying he would not trust a man who didn't drink ... and it's not like he was a big drinker himself, but this was a common sentiment once upon a time.

    When I first stopped drinking, because I was scared of what was happenign to me, I came under a LOT of pressure from friends, family, work colleagues and even casual acquaintances to "just have one" or "well, just one glass of wine won't hurt".

    When people are drinking, it seems like they don't want a sober person around to remember what is said and done, so even though I didn't mind at first spending evenings with a bunch of boozers, they weren't as friendly as they had been.

    I got a lot of comments like 'you would not want to come, there will be drinking' and that type of thing.

    And the thing was, that actually I did NOT want to be around a hunch of drunks, because most of my young freinds were binge drinkers and a night out was not enjoyable, just drinking until people vomited and a lot of other nasty behaviour including violence, then I had to drive everyone home.

    I've heard similar stories from others who gave up drinking, including my dad, who had a bout of Hepatitis A in the 1960s and couldn't drink for several years. He paid a big social and work penalty for his bad luck, until he took up dry ginger ale with ice, which looks like a mixed drink, and later Clayton's. It was impossible, he said, to do business otherwise!

    Anyway, now I'm back to enjoying the odd glass of red wine, and the buzz of good food, good wine and good friends, with NO bingeing and everything that goes with it ... it is much nicer and can be very enjoyable.

    But unfortunately, many people are still locked into bingeing as a way of life.

    Cheers :-)

  11. I rarely drink and my husband has, maybe, a half dozen stubbies of light beer a week.

    In my experience binge drinking by anyone over about 25 is the exception rather than the rule these days.

    I know it is fairly common among the teenage population.

    Thankfully, they seem to out grow the habit by their early 20's.

    A BIG Congrats to minx and Dallas. Well done.

  12. Ive gotten alot better but I used to binge drink alot on the weekends with friends.. Now only once a month or something and I have a glass of wine with dinner sometimes.

  13. I drink and get blind almost every Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. That's when me and some mates usually go out to the pub or to a party if there is any on. Not every week I go out all three nights though.

    When I drink I get smashed off my face. I always have pre drink before I go out to the pub cause it saves me money.

    I drink pineapple/passion fruit red bear, double blacks with a shot of blue vok, bundy 90% of the time.

    I dont think I really drink and abuse alcohol, because I am not dependent on it. Like if im not going to get drunk I wont even have a drink.

    Just a random fact, but the pub I drink at (well I drink at a lot of pubs around town, but this is the pub everyone always ends up at) The Standard Pub was recently voted one of the most dangerous pubs in Australia. I think it was tied 23rd in Australia and like 5th in NSW just behind Dubbo.

    My Dad drinks a lot. He will have a few beers each day after work. He drinks VB. Clearly he has no taste.

    I do not think drinking each day is a problem unless it interfears with your normal daily functionings.

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