
Aussies: Can you please save the polar bears before the whales?

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I was watching my country's news talking about how to import minke whale throats or something, and I was quite surprised that the news talked about it so casually!

Ordinary Japanese people don't seem to realize that whaling is a bad thing because whale slaughter has been a part of our culture for centuries. They don't realize that it's something wrong to do TODAY.

But then the news changed to polar bears in danger of extinction. Australians, how about doing something to save the polar bears rather than throwing stink bombs at Japanese whaling ships? I think it's much more useful than trying to save the whales because the Japanese are stubborn and ignorant they probably won't give up for quite a while.

The polar bears need urgent help.




  1. I don't think Australians actually eat polar bears. They certainly don't eat polar bear liver (which is poisonous to humans).

    But the main reason is that it is easy to save whales: stop eating them and the populations will recover naturally. Whales are not naturally a species in crisis: if they become extinct it will be our fault.

    It is much more difficult to protect polar bears. The bears have evolved to exploit a specific environmental niche very efficiently - now it seem that niche is being threatened. Polar bears are threatened both by global warming, and by changes in the ocean currents. At present we could not fix those problems even if we wanted to:- we don't know how.

    Some species (including polar bears and pandas) would probably be in trouble even if there were no people on earth. With some other species (rhino and whales) their main problem is predation by people.


  3. The polar bears are dying because of global warming.There are a lot of nations responsible for global warming namely U.S.A,Europe,Australia,ASIA and the list goes on.

    Whaling is  predominately done by the Japanese.It is those Japanese whalers who are responsible for the death of the whales. No one else! I sincerly hope that Australia will not give up on trying to save the whales from the claws of the whalers.

    As for saving the polar bears? What is your country doing about that?

  4. The thing about whaling is the fact that they are doing it in Australian waters and under the pretense of scientific research.

    Polar bears are dying in the North Pole a long way from our waters because of global warming.

  5. Two reasons:

    1  The whales actually swim past our coasts on their migration.

    2  Japan is hunting whales in our backyard.  I would be very surprised if your "traditional" whale hunts were carried on using factory ships in the Southern Ocean.

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