
Aussies- do you have more in common with the English or Americans?

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What do you reckon? Culture wise and language wise...?




  1. Most probably the English.

  2. England. As most of the white settlers were from the UK back in the day! Language wise, well I would say the English given our history again.

    I would say the lifestyle in Australia is more like the US.. e.g. weather, high skylined cities, beaches, liquor barns, infrastructure.. and the dollars are pretty much on par now..

    I read the other day that the younger generation in Australia is taking on a slight American accent, which is a real shame, not to mention a little cringe worthy... but I dare say it's a teenage fad and will die out soon enough... as it would take more than that to extinguish the Aussie accent... spelling is more like the English aswell, but at the end of the day, Australia is really it's own country, 90% of the population lives on the coast because it has a big desert in the middle! : )

    It's not really like the UK or the US, we're unique just like they are : )

  3. Blighty (England) of course. Despite it's faults we love her still! Peter Beattie once said he'd had a "gutful" of Americanisms, yet he lives there. Or so I read. I don't mind them, but their spelling isn't the best, and a good many of them think it's the coolest, but our spelling is more proper. BTW that's bonza not cool. Let's keep the language that's ours.

  4. English, without a doubt.  Especially with the historic links with England, and so many Brits who live here.  

    The language here is mainly British English as opposed to American English.  Colour not Color, Mum not Mom, Aluminium not Aluminum, Cheque not Check.

    Although the younger generation are being brainwashed with American TV these days, and things may eventually change with the language, with everyone sounding like Bart Simpson.

  5. The English of course. I was in England last year and its so much like Australia.. like the same kind of humour and same sort of television shows. we're nothing like america.

  6. I think in regards to culture and language, the English for sure

  7. I'd say English or more likely British.

    Due to the fact that many of us have British rather than English ancestry.

    Although there are Americanisms creeping into our culture.

  8. Our culture is far more American and I think our language is heading that way too, though ATM we're still more English in that respect. Won't be long though at the rate young people are using Americanisms.

  9. Definitely the English for me.

  10. English, but we're becoming very americanised.

  11. Probably England. However, we shower with soap a couple of times a day. So I don't know. Just kidding Poms. We definately have many links to England, A few of my ancestors were convicts.

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