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Just curious as everybody on here seems to be from either the U.K or U.S.A, but are you an aussie and if so what part of aus do you live in?

I'm originally from the U.K but moved here to aus when i was 15, I'm living in Cairns QLD.

Just curious to see how many aussies actually use YA




  1. ME ME!! There are alot of aussies on here :)

    I'm from Sydney

  2. A big **** HI **** from the Sunny Sunshine Coast


  3. G'day mate.

    There are quite a few Australians on Yahoo Answers.

    I live on Hindmarsh Island in South Australia.

  4. I'm British, but been here in Australia a while now ;)

  5. gday' mate.

    yeh im from Australia...

    and like all my friends have Y!A and they are from aus aswell

    there are actually quite a lot of us Aussie's on here...


  6. gday lol ...  

    im from Geelong..... Go the Cats lol

  7. Heaps of Aussies on here. I'm in Brisbane. G'day!

  8. im not australian, im filipina but im moving to australia on august 9 :)

  9. Ozzie, Bris Vegas, via Sydney, Perth, Melbourne

  10. I am from Australia. I live in Melbourne but I have relocated to Brisbane for 7 months for work.

  11. well, it seems there are at least 20 aussies.

    i'm from melbourne

  12. I'm an Australian, I live in Queensland.

  13. I'm an Aussie and I live in Perth, Western Australia aka the most isolated city in the world. :)

  14. brissy here

  15. Adelaide here

  16. Sydney

  17. I live in Sydney, New South Wales.

    I am originally from Western Australia (via Perth) from the Pilbara region in the north of that state.

  18. I'm Aussie! I live in Caboolture on the Sunshine Coast, QLD, moved here a year ago from the Southern Highlands NSW (halfway between Sydney & Canberra)

  19. Coffs Harbour, halfway between Sydney and Brisbane, here (23C on my back deck in mid-winter today, paradise!)

  20. I relocated from Brisbane 18 months ago to an acre of rainforest in Kuranda, Tropical North Queensland where we have clear, clean blue skies, no pollution, wildlife hopping, crawling & flying around the backyard. No neighbours to speak of, and those we have we get on the p**s with. Bugger of a place!

  21. yep plenty of aussies here i live in hornsby
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