
Australia's Drought?

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Is Australia still in a Drought? I need some info, Desperately.

Please Help. Due 2morrow =(




  1. Its still in a desperatly horrible drought.

    Farmers over the country have nothing to feed their cows...ground is cracked dry and inner melbourne cities are on 3a restrictions.

    we arent allowed to have more then 3 minute showers.

    we cant wash cars...or water grass or driveways. we can water gardens 2 days a week...we have to collect water from baths and showers and stuff.. its pretty bad.

    and there are fines if you dont do it.

  2. Yes, Australia is in the middle of a drought.

    Most of Australia is desert too.

    Also, each state has a different degree of drought. Most states now have water usage policies in place to try and assist us through the drought.

    Farmers are worst hit as water is expensive to buy, which means meat and fruit and vegetables can be expensive.

    Some state governments have implemented recycled water, and others could be following.

    A lot of houses are installing rain water tanks to make use of the little rain we do get. Rain water tanks can be used for toilets, washing machines or for watering plants.

    New housing estates are being built with grey water facilities allowing them to be able to wash their cars and water their gardens any time they like.

  3. Yes, most of Australia is still in drought, west of Blue Mountains, eg inland NSW and QLD, all of SA, most of Victoria. I don't think NT is in drought, and I'm not sure about WA

  4. Due to some of the recent rain, some farming areas are in both drought and flood declared areas. Funny the way that works.

    Brisbane is still on level 6 water restrictions (no washing cars, watering gardens on limited hours and days only with buckets - no hoses) Industry has to have water managment plans and things like that. However over summer (our rain period) the dams went from 20% full to almost 40% full, and by the end of the year we should have more dams, desalination plants and a water grid that will prevent future problems with the water supply (of this severity) at least in city areas. Farming areas unfortunately are always going to be fairly hit and miss, there will always be areas of drought, the whole country is a very dry country.

  5. South western parts of Queensland is still in drought and they are presently putting in place a large water pipe that runs from the Sunshine Coast to Brisbane, so the people of the city of Brisbane won't have to suffer from a lack of water again. There are also 4 desalination plants going to built on the southern eastern coastline for water supplies.
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