
Australia - England (Peace)? ?

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I love Australia and its people, their very nice and very friendly however I recently found out on here not many Australians like England and the English which I am quite sad about, any way of peace?





  1. Really? I'm an Aussie and I've never heard of an Aussie that doesn't like the English/England. We tease them about sport however, but that's just because we're friends.

  2. Don't be so sad! half of the so-called Aussies are pommies anyway! and it's only a half joke with them, we enjoy sledging the poms, I'm an ex pom too! 38 years it was a toss up whether i got naturalised or circumcised, so I thought what the h**l! I got naturalised. They only take away a small part of your frontal lobe, then you become an Australian!!!!  See what I mean about sledging? lol.

  3. Ever hear the expression "Pommy?"  It sounds as though you may have.

    It originated as an acronym - "Prisoner Of Mother England," or POME.

    Originally a label stuck on Australia's white settlers, many of whom were transported to England as a way of imprisoning them while not having to spend much on a prison system.  Now it (if I read it aright) refers to those in Australia who are mentally "prisoners of Mother England."

    If it's any comfort at all, the left-wing activists over in Australia hate the US much more thoroughly and with much more vitriol than they do England, Some of them troll USENET newsgroups to spread their hatred and spite where it is not wanted.  

    Most Australians just want to get on with their lives - English and American-bashing helps them work off the Foster's, that's all.  I wouldn't pay it much mind.  

    Americans in Australia (and England) get the cold shoulder from some people, too.  I sure did when I spent three months in England - after a while, it just rolled off my back.  I stayed in my room at one of the local pubs and drank with the folks who weren't afraid to be seen boozing with an American.

  4. Yes! we can cut the phone lines and stop media transmissions from Oz and then we wont hear anymore whingeing from them about British gold medals in the olympics.

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