
Australia and hospital bills ?

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I have heard that in Australia if you are married to an Australian ( you as a foreigner ) and give birth there you will never pay anything for the hospital bills unless you give birth in a private hospital? So, if this is true are they giving this benefits to all Australian Citizen rich or poor? Is there a limit like if you have a certain income they will not give you this benefits? Is it also true that they pay you to have babies?





  1. as long as you are a citizen or a permanent resident you dont pay to give birth

  2. It is a good system but open to abuse.

  3. Yes we have Medicare and everybody no matter their income has the right to free doctor and hospital care. If you decide to go to the doctor of your choice and to a private hospital you will pay extra. If you have a baby in a public hospital with a public doctor you will not pay a cent for pre natal or postnatal care. Australia does also have a baby bonus which is given to anybody who has a baby regardless of income. At the moment the baby bonus is $5000.

    EVERYBODY gets the baby bonus

  4. Yes that is true, and yes you get a baby bonus, Baby Bonus is paid for each child. For example, twins attract two payments of Baby Bonus ($10,000).

    The baby bonus is an incentive for more couples to have more babies.

    Do I have to pass an Income or Asset test to get the Baby Bonus?

    Currently NO, but from 1 January 2009 this will change. From January 1 next year, a means test will apply to families with a combined income of $150,000 a year or more.

    And also if you go to a doctor here that bulk bills it will not cost a cent, any medication the doctor prescribes will though.

    And if you go to a doctor that does not bulk bill he will charge between $40 and $60, but you get about $37 back from Medicare.

    As i said above, it will be means tested after 1st of January 2009, by that i mean, a couple earning over $150,000 a year combined, will have the baby bonus payment reduced because they earn so much, by how much it will be reduced i do not know at this stage.

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