
Australia - leather sofa?

by  |  earlier

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I want to bring my two-month old leather sofa when I move to Australia. Please can you tell me ...

1) How much I would have to pay as import duty in percentage terms

2) Is there any problem with bringing it in because of the animal hide factor ie will it be rejected at the port?

3) How much would a decent 3+2+1 leather sofa cost out there?





  1. This what I know through the Australian Customs website.

    1) 5% Duty + 10% gst (goods and services tax) + other related costs for importing of goods.

    2) Its not mentioned on the "prohibited and restricted imports list".  Although just to make sure you could contact them.

    3) It really depends on what type of leather you use and its construction as to what the cost would be.

    Have included a few  sites for you to see.

    Hopefully that can help you.

  2. 1. Not sure, as above said 15%.. Check out it may have the answer

    2. Where are you coming from? What sort of condition is the lounge in. If your from the UK or USA I doubt you should have a problem. The may wish you quarantine the lounge if they suspect the leather may be contaminated which would them cost you a couple of hundred dollars.

    3. For a decent lounge suite in leather your looking at $1500+

    Perhaps look into selling the lounge and see if you can get a good price as it will be costly to bring it with you.

    This site will give you an idea for the cost and range in Australia

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