
Australia or America. POLL?

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just a poll/Question, as i am interested, as an aussie id like to get American's views aswell :)

Where would you Rather live.



AMERICA. and why.

and is there any reasons you hate either of the two

:) Cheers.




  1. Australia


    More relaxed.

    Less crowded.

  2. Australia of course...

    Australia IS called the lucky country.. We have beautiful beaches, countryside, animals and Aussie's are great people. No offense but Yanks have a tendency to look down on us Aussies and think they are better then the world. They like to talk themselves up. ( that's probably why everyone  think it is a better country). Aussies are nice friendly people, US is very polluted. And the food is fatty and not fresh!! Its hard to find a healthy meal there. they dont even have nice chocolate, USA needs to import some Cadbury's. The only good thing about the USA is the shopping. I have traveled to a few countries and Australia is still the best. Thats why so many people migrate here. We also have medicare.. Watch that movie sicko.. and you will see another side to US.

  3. Australia

    Safe, beautiful and unique

  4. Ditto.

    (Australia = safer)

    Plus education, health care and other reasons too numerous to mention.

  5. Australia - way of life is chilled but we are becoming americonised and i hate that so much

    I dont like america because they are a bunch of arrogant poo heads... everything has to be bigger better etc etc - never mind that fact that fuel wont last forever, pollution, war in iraq - they just dont have a clue what they are doing to the people and countries around them....

  6. Australia because it's safer :-)

  7. Yep same as above

  8. australia. 300% better and funner!

  9. Australia, hands down.

    It's safer, happier, warmer and our economy is booming - America is heading for a major recession (if it's not already in one). Jobs for everyone and much better social services.

  10. australia, without a doubt. i wont name the reason, there are too many.

  11. USA for sure.

    You have more than 50 states to select from, and you will find what you want. Australia is nice place in general but not equivelent to US development.

  12. id rather live in australia, but it is getting more americanised by the minutes.

    Oz is safer, chilled out, no too many ppl in one place, amazing scenery. I wouldnt move to the US unless i was paid triple what i can make here

  13. I'm an American who lives in Australia.


    IF you love convenience at your fingertips, a variety of tasty food, good-service, variety, up-to-date technology (ex. gadgets, wi-fi everywhere/newest & best brands of everything), want to get ahead in education/business & are a person who needs to feel appreciated in the STATUS of your job & excessive education, like larger houses but smaller yards in the average size home.


    IF you prefer great weather, bland healthy food (less salt, less sugary, etc.) sweet nicer VERY laid-back type people (don't take  swearing too seriously), multi-cultural & multi-religious acceptance, peace, quietness, love animals, love the earth-recycling, better economy, thick larger wires & plugs, smaller houses but larger yards in the average size home, like paying extra $$$ for mustard or ketchup wherever you go,  


    (Aussies seem not to enjoy American food too much & American's seem to not enjoy Aussie food too much.)

    Some Examples: If your an American & enjoy American foods... well, unless you find a rare "U.S.A. store" in Australia & want to pay an $$$$ "arm & a leg" $$$$ (seriously - all jokes aside) for these products, U CANNOT FIND THE FOLLOWING - NOR ANYTHING THAT TASTES LIKE THEM...

    (Hellman's mayonaise, Velveeta cheese, Mrs.Buttersworth syrup, Kool-aid, Pillsbury doughboy products, Prego sauce, Hooter's sauce, Sodas: Rootbeer, Dr. Pepper, Mountain Due (with caffeine), Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal, many spanish products like: sazon & adobo, etc. I can give you a bigger list - if you have any questions about any more.)


    For an "american" living down-under...

    Things like Laundry Detergent & some soaps smell like Floor Cleaning products such as Pine-Sol.

    For an "aussie" living in the U.S....

    Things like Cherry Coke Soda can smell & taste like medicine which they hate the taste & smell of.

  14. Australia, why its the Lucky Country. Have lived all my life and just turned 48. Besides the Americans are terribly ignorant of anything and anywhere outside of their own little world. to them America is best FORGET the rest.

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