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My husband has got a job in Sydney, Australia so me, my husband and two children are planning to move there sometime next year!!!!

Could you please tell me what sorts of insects and bugs you get in Sydney?

How common they are?

Are they are dangerous?


Do they come into the house?

Also I have heard that you get lodes of cockroaches is this true?

If so is there any way to get rid or prevent them?

And Do you get them in your house??

Thank You xxxxx




  1. Well.. since you will be in Sydney.. you wont see many bugs.. and you will hardly see a dangerous one because they usually hide..

    We do get cockroaches, to avoid them just keep your house clean and dont leave food lying around.

    In houses you might see a few daddy long leg spiders, but they are harmless... and the occasional huntsman, they get pretty big.

    You get more bugs and whatnot into your house if its raining.. So yeah..

    to be on the safe side, dont leave clothes, towels, blankets etc.. lying on the floor, spiders and bugs might hide in them.. So give them a shake if they have been lying on the floor.. And check your shoes before wearing them, especially if you left shoes outside.

    There are kind of alot of flies during the summer.. and they are annoying.. as well as the mosquitos.

  2. loads of flies in summer

    and some cockroaches in winter

    spiders every now and then though never poisonous

    huntsmans are a little freaky though and you get daddy long legs in your outside bathroom a lot haha

    use mortein!!! it gets rid of them

    and fly spray always helps

    annddd insect repellent is always handy

  3. There's one specific one that's common.  It's poisonous, and it likes to hide in small spaces, and in shoes.  I'm not sure what it's called, though.

  4. I'm not sure what you have heard over there but it's not as bad as you are making out...really.

    Bugs that can come into the house - well flies are a nuisance but not dangerous.

    Cockroaches are common but not dangerous but if you keep your place clean and tidy you wont get lots, if you get the odd one just make sure you have some bug spray and you'll be right.

    Ants - same thing spray the little suckers =D

    Daddy long leg spiders - not dangerous, same thing just spray'em.

    Red back spider is dangerous they usually like to take refuge in amongst wood or anything that is stacked/piled up somewhere, but when you go snooping for things just keep you eyes peeled for them if you see them then just spray them as well.

    You can get your whole place sprayed by professionals, just call the local exterminator and they will do the job.

    But don't be terrified by this it's not all that bad, you'll see what I mean when you get here.

    Good luck and have fun!! =)

  5. i've lived in sydney my whole life but because australia including my family keep everything as clean as we can you will likely not come upon much bugs in your home if you stay tidy :) of course you may come upon some normal bugs like mozzie's and flies and simple things like that but just keep your home sprayed by the professionals and you should be fine!

  6. i didnt see loads of cockroaches. But i did see a bunch of spiders. You shouldnt very many problems with bugs, unless you keep your house trashed. Australia is one of the cleanest places I've lived it. Its a gorgeous place to live in. Stop worrying about little things and enjoy.

  7. you shouldn't worry about a thing. the only people who can properly prepare you for what you will find when you get there is a true blue aussie. like me. Sydney is one of the busiest cities in australia, so bugs aren't so much of a worry. we don't get heaps of deadly spider etc. infact, australia is one of the safest countries bug wise. we do get cockroaches, but not many. especially not in the cities. the only bugs you have to worry about are flies, mostly in the summer, (December to Febuary) and mosquito's at night. they hang around lights and bite anything and everything. but don't worry, our mosquitos don't carry maliaria or anything like that.

    Hope that helps, and i hope you enjoy Australia!

  8. Mexico rifa

  9. i live in australia but in sa riverland which i  must say is a very beautiful place. In sydney there are red back spiders which are black but on there backs have a pinch of red and also they could kill you if you don't go to hosptible and also i think there is a sydney funnel web spider i thinks that is highley venoumous also and red backs are not userley found in side but i'm not sure about the sydney funnel web spider.
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