
Australia vs koyto protocol?

by  |  earlier

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why Australia has been so reluctant t sign the protocal for so long?




  1. A guy called Howard who is now gone.

    He was America's lap dog and as they hadn't signed he didn't sign.

    He wouldn't even say sorry to the aboriginals

  2. Your are so out of date. Now go away and study, at least learn the correct name of the place. You will find why Kyoto is impracticable and the haunt of the ill-informed.

  3. We signed it because it's such a useless protocol that it didn't matter in the least whether we signed it or not. It took a long time because the idiots that were in government here at the time couldn't see that signing it wouldn't make one iota of difference to global warming and because they were America's lapdogs.

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