
Australian Bank Paying good Interest rate?

by Guest67262  |  earlier

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Hi i am thinking of keeping my money in the bank for a period of like 6months. Which australian bank should i choose and what type of deposit should i make?




  1. Bankwest - I think they currently have a promotion of 8.5%. Online account, at call (ie. no fixed term). Check out the terms and conditions

  2. you can try saving account from raboplus they pay a good interest.

    Hope it helps.


  3. Since you know for how long you need the money locked away, I recommend term deposits...This way there will be no temptation to withdraw early too.  I also recommend Rabo Plus.

  4. The Bank of Queensland's Cash Management accounts are paying good interest at present and you can add and withdraw money at any time, so they're more flexible than accounts at some other banks. Give them a call.

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