
Australian Colleges?

by Guest62858  |  earlier

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Particularly in either New South Wales or Victoria

1. What are a couple of good colleges for general studies?

2. About how much is tuition ranging from?

3. What variety of courses are offered?

Any other info will help




  1. We have two sorts of tertiary education in Australia, both of which accept International students.

    There are Universities which offer undergrad bachelor degrees and postgrad courses such as graduate diplomas, masters degrees and PhDs.

    There are also TAFE Institutes/Colleges (TAFE stands for Technical and Further Education) which offer certificate and Diploma courses.  Some TAFEs also offer Bachelor degrees and many have "pathway" agreements with universities where after completing a TAFE Diploma you can go straight into 2nd or 3rd year of the related uni degree.

    There's not really such a thing as "general studies" here.  I'm guessing it's similar to an Arts degree?

    When you apply for uni you apply to do a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science etc. and when you enrol, you choose whatever subjects you are interested in.  Some unis you may apply to do a Bachelor of Arts in Modern Languages, for example, in which case you'll have to do a majority of subjects from the faculty of Modern Languages.

    Check out this site for info about Australian universities:

    this page is about the TAFE institutes, or colleges:

    Our universities are different to countries such as USA in that most of them don't have accomodation, or only have very limited (and expensive!) accomodation.  Most people live at home while they go to uni, or they rent a house with friends or other students.  Some of the Melbourne unis now have blocks of apartments nearby that are for student rental but are owned by private investors.

    The cost depends on what course you are enrolled in and what subjects you choose to do.  The fees are different for international students than for local students.

    By the way, course means the whole degree you are enrolled in.  If someone says "what course are you doing at uni" the answer would be something like "I'm doing a bachelor of arts" or just "arts".  If they asked "what subjects are you doing this year?" you might respond with "I'm doing Japanese in both semesters and Introduction to Political Science, Japanese history and Linguistics in first semester" or something like that.

  2. In Australia they are called universities. From the top of my head.. there is ANU, Monaash Uni, Uni of Melbourne, Uni of Sydney. If you want to go out of New South Wales and Victoris, there is UQ which is also good.

  3. We call them Universities, not colleges.  So the best thing would be to Google either New South Wales Universities or Victorian Universities and check the list that comes up.  Most of them will provide information on courses, cost of tuition for overseas students etc.  You also need to decide whether to study in the country or city.

  4. The courses offered in NSW and Vic universities and lots of other info can be found at (NSW) and (Vic). Really any uni is good, there aren't any bad ones.
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