
Australian Food.?

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okay, so im doing an assignment, and i have to think of modern australian cuisine. seeing as here (australia) is pretty multicultural and we have so many influences on what we eat, i was wondering what other people think from other countries is australian food.

should i say that we are influenced by others?

or what do you think is a classic australian food.




  1. pies, vegimite, pavlova, lamingtons (god I miss those!) tim tams, great seafood, and don't forget the floaters!

  2. The good old meat pie with  tomato sauce (Expecially with the sauce pushed in the centre of your pie  and squeezed).

    Lamb roast... pretty Aussie!

    Damper cooked in the ground- YUMMY!!!

    3 Bean Salad

    Possum soup.. (Not actually made with Possum - made with beef mince/chunks and vegies)

    Pavlova, lamingtons, vegemite sangers.

  3. There's a fantastic Wikipedia article, which I have posted as a source, that lists a great deal of information on Australian cuisine.

    Personally though, I couldn't go past Vegemite, pavlova, and lamingtons as the perfect Aussie food.  I think we're pretty heavily influenced by the Europeans but we've also got a fair amount of creativity when it comes to original food.

  4. Modern Australian Cuisine is generally influenced by other cultures, but generally uses Australian produced ingredients.

    Classic Australian food such as meat pies and pavlova, would not really be classifieed as 'Modern Australian Cuisine'

  5. There's Roo in your stew blue!

  6. Sausages, pies, burgers, BBQ's. and shrimps.


  7. bush oysters!!!!!!!!!!!!! yewwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!

    Yum Yum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eat Up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. A meat pie washed down with Farmer's Union iced coffee.

    I made roo fajitas when I visited there.

    Oh, and beer.  Lot's of beer.

  9. vegamite sandwhiches

  10. Bush tucker.. you know... damper, quondong berries, barramundi, bush tomato, wattleseed, lilly lilly berries, roo... etc
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