
Australian Job Search Site, is Seek the best?

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They say they're the largest/best in Australia, which I'm sure is at least part sales pitch, but is it at least partially true? Are they a good site to use to seek jobs in Australia from abroad?

Or is there a better one out there?




  1. I used it once and it was pretty awesome. You can put the area and the type of job you want and see the results. You can even make a resume' on there for you to email to the job providers you find and the awesome thing about it is that it's really easy to use and free. Just go for it. :]

  2. Well, is the largest online jobs database system in Australia.

  3. i believe so yes

  4. Seek is definitely popular.  You may also consider looking at

  5. MY friend works for them and its an awesome working environment ( I'm jealous) the staff work hard because they are well looked after so I would say yes you will get the best out of the people at seek

  6. i used seek

  7. SEEK is the largest and most popular jobsearch website. The popularity attracts employers and therefore allows them to host the majority of jobs.

    There are others but alot tend to publish the jobs out of the local paper. MyCareer, CareerOne.

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