
Australian accents?

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I've heard many people saying that in each state, people speak with a slightly different accent to that of another. Is this true?

I don't get it... don't we all use Australian English? What created the slight variations in tone?




  1. we dont sound different..... its just every one basterdizes the english language in there own way, so we just say things differently as other answers have given you examples of!

  2. Most australians talk very similar. The main difference isn't which part of australia, it has more to do with education and social status. It is generally put into 3 categories; General Australian ( the accent most urbanites from Sydney and Melbourne etc speak), Educated Australian (someone from an affluent background, speaks elequently) & Broad Australian (like Steve Irwin, what most americans think of as the 'australian accent'. A lot of people from the country talk like this too)

  3. For sure... I live in Vic and have done my whole life and so has my partner but his family is from SA and they all have the same accent but there is no way that I could explain and they use different slang to us aswell.

  4. I agree with Seanis777. I have never been able to recognise any regional accent in Australia. Some terms and words are different from state to state, but that has nothing to do with a regional or state accent.

    Australian accents fall into the groups described by Seanis777 i.e. general, educated and broad (ocker) and any of them can be heard from the natives of any state.

  5. yeah ok if  u watch australian movies

    u can see a lot a difference.

    for "stay" they would say "stai"(pronunciation)

    u get it?

  6. The US is like that as well.

    E.W.N.S. all talk differently Some you can't even understand the slang is so bad in the So.

    Giday mate.

  7. It is totally true, and Im a kiwi, but have been here for 11yrs and lived in a small mining town for 10 of those years, and have met many people who have come through whilst travelling, and the accents are slighty different. I think alot of it, is the way some of them pronounce words as well, I mean if you watch Kath and Kim, Ive met people and worked with people that actually talk like Kath, its quite funny. Also people in the outback have real strong accents, they are what I call "A Bushman's Accent" Even that Aussie guy who does the Think Quit commercial, the one with the mp3 player, listen to how he talks.

  8. so true,i live in a small city and whn i go to a major city,everyone knows im not from there,and i can pick someone from my town..we all have different words and slangs,i love it

  9. Yes its different. Some people say bathers, Qlders say togs. Some say Plant others plaant, Pool and pull and so on
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