
Australian/british food?

by Guest60342  |  earlier

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what are some popular australian foods?

popular british foods?




  1. meat pies.


    sausage rolls


    lots off bbq's

    sausages hotdogs

    sausage sizzle

    sausage everything!

  2. British- Yorkshire pudding, bangers(sausages), trifle, steak and kidney pie.

  3. fish and chips

  4. Bangers and mash:

  5. In Australia:

    Fish & Chip Shop Foods: Chips, Flake, Dim Sims, Burgers.

    Chinese Shop Foods: very popular averall but most people do buy it as takeout rather than make it themselves.

    Italian Foods: Pizza and Pasta dishes are all very popular.

    Greek Foods: tends to be a bit less widespread but popular particularly in Melbourne due to the high Greek population.

    Lebanese/Turkish: again popular due to immigration.  Souvlaki is very popular and often sold in general takeaway food shops and fish and chip shops.

    American Fast Food: McDonalds, Burger King (called Hungry Jack's but same thing), KFC, Krispy Creme.  Unfortunately are popular dispite being c**p to eat and even worse for health.

    Indian Food: increasingly popular due to immigration although nowhere near as popular as in the UK.

    At home: cooking depends mostly on background and food preparation experience.  Vegemite is probably the most commonly used toast/sandwich spread but the more usual ones such as jams, honey and peanut butter are also frequently eaten.  BBQs are very popular because they fit in well with the generally informal nature of Australian society.  Beef, pork, lamb and chicken are the most commonly used meats in BBQs and for general gooking.  Fish is quite widely eaten but tends to be expensive especially inland.  

    The general range of Western breakfast cereals an deserts are all eaten. The tend in at home cooking is towards quick and convenient pre-prepared (sauces, one-dish packets, frozen) food products from supermarkets which are widely used since like everywhere else time is at a premium.

    The eating of native Australian animals such as kangaroo and emu is actually very rare although it is legally sold.  The prices tend to be a major contributing factor as well as aversion away from eating the non-traditional meats.

    In the UK:

    Fish and Chips is always there, along with a host of other foods but Indian (or perhpas more accurately called Anglo-Indian) food is by far the most popular.  Chicken Tikka Masala is the UK's most popular food, overtaking more traditional British cuisine in recent years.

    The UK has the usual range of American style fast food.

    Since I have not been to the UK in the past few years, it would be best if someone from there gave a more detailed description.

  6. Bubble and squeak.

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