
Australian migration

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I am a Electronic trade person, I have 11 years experience in the field. I already applied for Australian migration on 22/11/2006. I got the acknolodgement letter, but I didnot received any other information from the department. What happened to my application, I am waiting long time. I already send the medical and police clearance certificate on Jan.2008. When we can expect the next step from the department?




  1. Well I was born here so can't give you first hand knowledge but as you have an acknowledgment letter you should have some kind of reference number on it to check your application, this is the link to the Australian Immigration Departments website, specifically the first link on this page that says "Online Applications" says you can check the progress of your application

    and there are other links on the same page that may tell you what type of time span you are looking at before getting a definate yes or no answer to your application.

    Sorry I can't give more advice but I hope you do find the info you need, 18 months seems a long time to wait....  Good Luck!

  2. 20 months is a long time for a visa application or perhaps you mean that you lodged your application in 2007 rather than 2006. Applications usually take between 12 and 18 months.

    Your acknowledgement letter would have included a Transaction Reference Number (TRN) and you can use this to track the progress of your application from the following webpage:
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