
Australian money!???

by Guest62370  |  earlier

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I was wondering on all the Australian notes (of money), who are the people on them and why are they one the note??




  1. From the Reserve Bank of Australia.


    Front - Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

    Back - Parliament House

    $5 (Federation)

    Front - Sir Henry Parkes (1815–1896)

    Politician known as the 'Father of Federation'.

    Back - Catherine Helen Spence (1825–1910)

    Journalist, social and political reformer, novelist and feminist.


    Front - AB 'Banjo' Paterson (1864–1941)

    Poet, ballad writer, journalist and horseman.

    Back - Dame Mary Gilmore (1865–1962)

    Author, journalist, poet, patriot and tireless campaigner against injustice and deprivation.


    Front - Mary Reibey (1777–1855)

    Pioneer business woman with interests in shipping and property.

    Back - Reverend John Flynn (1880–1951)

    Pioneered the world's first aerial medical service, now known as the Royal Flying Doctor Service.


    Front - David Unaipon (1872–1967)

    Writer, public speaker and inventor.

    Back - Edith Cowan (1861–1932)

    Social worker, politician and feminist.  


    Front - Dame Nellie Melba (1861–1931)

    World renowned soprano.  

    Back - Sir John Monash (1865–1931)

    Soldier, engineer and administrator.

  2. they are very ugly people and they are there because I was sick the day they took the photos.

  3. $5 - Queen Elizabeth II, for obvious reasons

    $10 - Andrew Barton Paterson & Dame Mary Gilmore, they are authors

    $20 - Mary Reibey  & Dr John Flynn, mary was a nurse i think and flynn created the royal flying doctors service

    $50 - David Unaipon & Edith Dircksey Cowan

    $100 - Helen Porter Mitchell & John Monash

    this is what i dictated in year 10 so sorry if its wrong =)
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