
Australian requirements for the education of Children while parents are travelling around the country ?

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If a family has school aged children and they wish to spend over 12 months travelling around the country-side, what requirements must they follow and what are the penalties for failing to follow the requirements?

Are the parents of school aged children allowed to make up their own curiculum and not have any input from the Education Department ?




  1. Homeschooling is legal in all states. Some require that you register, some don't. Follow the laws of whichever state you originate from.

    You can follow whatever sort of curriculum you like. What you decide to do must take into account the future, however. If you intend to put them back into the same school, it would be wise to follow their program, so they'll be at the same level as everyone else for the fundamentals when they return, and able to go back into classes with their old friends. If you are going to continue to homeschool when you return, do what you like!

  2. I would ask the department that teaches kids in your state this question.

    I know there is a thing such as school of the air for outback kids.


  3. I have heard of children who have been home schooled, there is also school of the air these are options that I have heard about. They also maybe able to study externally which I know is also an option depending on the age of the children. You can also check with the education department themselves

  4. If you contact your childrens school, they would be able to give you all the information you need.  Children have to be taught under a acadmic curriculum.  One of my sons was very ill during his year 10 schooling and couldn't attend school.  With his school's help we enrolled him with the department of distance education.  They sent all his school work to him each term.  We had a phone number to ring when he needed teacher help.  We still had to set a timetable for each day in regards to his school work.  He had a schedule to complete each subject.  We posted off completed work each week.

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