
Australian students only?

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Do you think the VCE/Year 12 English course is pointless?

The course assesses our abilities to read, write, speak etc, which are skills we are using every day and have been learning since pre school.

Also what we do in VCE English is not even relevant to our future course/career etc.

What do you think- should the course be overhauled or left as it is?




  1. I'm not a VCE student but i'm an ex-HSC (NSW) student. I also think English is pointless but I'm only saying this because I despise the subject. I think English is handy for university because there are certain subjects that requires analytical & essay writing skills. Also, in my opinion, if you're planning to do law (or arts degree... that requires a lot of readings to be done) in university, you'd need to have good English skills.

  2. I am 19 years old and live in Victoria.

    English is relevant to life in general and to every career. Who do you think has a better chance of getting a job out of the person who can't tell the difference between there and their and can't figure out where to put apostrophes or somebody who has a sound understanding of the English language? I know who I'd hire.

    I am honestly disgusted by the amount of people that don't truly understand the structure of the English language at all. It's one thing to abbreviate when you send a text but when you honestly don't know which your/you're to use when writing a professional letter to a client the system has failed you or you have failed yourself.

    I know 25 year olds that never acquired a proper understanding of grammar and I used to have to check over my bosses emails to see if his grammar was correct. It only gets worse the younger someone is.

    I'm glad English is compulsory even though most highschool students ignore it for the most part anyway. You're right though, why would you want someone to assess skills that you use everyday? How stupid, we should focus on topics you'll probably never use again like trigonometry. Who cares if you can't master your first language, right?

    You're complaining about how useless English is as a subject and yet your grammar is incorrect. You might read, write and speak English everyday but that doesn't mean you're not f***ing it up.

  3. Ha! I'm not Australian but I answered your question! What do you think of that you predujice inciting Auzzie?!

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