
Australians? Are you worried about the transport strike?

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I have read that it will be a two-week long strike for truck drivers in Australia and while I really sympathise with their worries I'm becoming worried already(sorry if this seems selfish) that there won't be enough food in the way of everyday staples such as bread, milk and meat.

The supermarkets ran out of bread earlier today and there were only a few bottles of milk left. I live in on the central Queensland coast.

Has anyone else been getting worried too about getting the essentials and how long do you think this strike will last?




  1. It's not a transport strike it's a truckies strike, no I'm not worried about running out. In the long run of things if the fuel costs don't drop we won't have enough truckies , and I wish the truckies all the best. I admire them for a taking a stand.

  2. I am worried because we have trucks and if something is not done to support the trucking industry soon, we won't have trucks to deliver our goods at all.

    More than anything it is ruining peoples lively hoods and families.

    This is a really hard time for the trucking industry and eveyone should get behind them and the goverment should be giving us a hand...they give a hand to the farmers.

    Trucks run on Diesel which use to be slightly cheaper than unleaded and Diesel ATM it is about 30c per litre dearer.

    Our monthly fuel bills have gone from about $7000 to $20000 and we have recieved a 10% pay rise, it just doesn't cut it and we need some serious help.  Have you ever had to pay to go to work, well that is what is being asked of us!

    No one wants to pay us more down to the shopper at the supermarket to the Government funding the roads.  We just can't go on and absorb the costs, somethings got to be down so that everyone can make a living and be safe on the roads.

    There are far more trucks than just those that deliver your groceries, there are ones that help build roads, there are ones that deliver bricks, house frames and the list goes on.

    Without Trucks Australia Stops!!!

    We need all of Australias support!!!

  3. In Perth they tried to organize some sort of protest convoy yesterday but it was canceled due to lack of interest, so no, I'm not worried.

    I wonder if the shops ran out so quickly because people were buying extra to horde it?

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