
Australians: How do you REALLY feel about New Zealanders living in Australia...?

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If you're a born or 10+ years naturalised Australian - want to hear what you REALLY think of New Zealanders (aka Kiwis) living in Australia. Don't hold back now!

And how about something more than sheep s*x jokes?




  1. Well when I was back in grade 5, A new kid (Ace) came into our grade only to find him in love with a boy (Ace is a boy too) He's g*y. But! I'm not saying all New Zealanders are g*y. I'm just saying Ace. I think it's not really a problem. Some Australians live in New Zealand. I think it's alright.

  2. ahh its great....we all know its all a matter of time b4 NZ becomes AU's next state! lol jks.

    kiwis are great

  3. They scare the **** out of me! They are about twice the size of a normal person (height and width) and they look deceivingly nice in their church clothes.

    It is a standing joke among my friends that they will bash you half to death Saturday night, and be front row centre at church Sunday morning.

  4. it's 9+_)(*&^%$#@!~

  5. Don't have a problem with them one of my best friends is a New Zealander and she eats drinks and laughs the same as me one thing though  when I go out to pubs with her I don't let her say 6 to often.

  6. I was born in Australia, and I don't mind New Zealanders living here at all! But their accent annoys me, but thats not their fault!

    I mean, we go to New Zealand alot, so its only fair to share the love.

    Sheep s*x jokes? Why, do Australians make those? ;)

  7. I don't mind New Zealanders at all, unless they are being nasty and stating they are better than all the other wonderful nationalities we have right here in Australia.

    New Zealanders play a big and important part in every Australian's life, and we do feel extremely close to them.

  8. Kiwi's arent that much different to us Aussies. Sure they suck at sports, but its the competitiveness that keeps you interested.

    I don't think anyone would have a problem with a kiwi or maori for that matter, living in Australia.

  9. I also don't care which Nationalities come to live in Australia as long as they are willing to contribute to society and  adjust to our way of living and work, not site on the dole.

  10. I'm Aussie born and i honestly don't care who lives in our country.  it's big enough for everyone.

  11. I like Kiwis and no problem at all with the ones who come here to work. They fit in well and give as good as they get in the joke stakes. Beating them at cricket wouldn't be nearly as satisfying if we didn't have local Kiwis to rubbish about it.

  12. the way the Media portrays new zealand i thought it already was another adopted state , like  Tasmania. ha ha ha

  13. Scarcely notice them, they are so similar to us. No problems with it, they are welcome.

  14. Kiwi's are great, If they want to move here for more job opportunities and the like then good on them. I just feel sorry for new zealand that so many move to Australia each week.

    600 a weak I think. That's not good for national pride for new zealanders.

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