
Australians. How do you think of the Muslims living in your country?

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What kind of impression do they give you ?Good or bad ones ? Why ?




  1. Do you think most Muslims in Australia( But not all of them ) do not pay an effort to integrate with the mainstream Australian society ?  --------- I AGREE and thats probably the only thing I have against them. Some show total lack of respect for our culture and values even though they have the choice to leave anytime. Also the muslims prefer to congregate with their own people and not try to assimilate - there are whole muslim suburbs out west... This is Australia and we have no desire what-so-ever to be anything like the middle east....

  2. Like any other group that believes fairy tales.

  3. Muslims, like any other "group" are a very diverse lot.  In Australia they have come from Somalia, Afghanistan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Iraq, Ethiopia, Egypt, plus many more countries, as well as born in Australia.  How can anyone generalise about Muslim people?

    There is often negative media coverage, stereotyping and demonising.  But any intelligent person knows that you can not put any "group" in one basket - there is diversity in every group.

    Not all people from Hong Kong are the same, are they?

  4. I don't mind them, but I do wish they'd join in on the Aussie culture (while still staying true to their native culture).

    I think some (most?) Aussies' way of welcoming new people into the country, whether they're staying or just visiting, is to let them into our culture and make them "one of us". Like an initiation process, but in a well-meaning way. :P So I guess it's just disappointing when someone doesn't want to be welcomed in.

  5. What Weeza said is so right, Muslims are a diverse as any other religion. It is just the minority has given them a bad name. Mainly the second generation that have grown up with all the privileges that Australia has offered them but none of the bad experiences that their parents had grown up with.

    So because of this for some reason they expect everyone to give them a hand up and when they do not get it they believe that it is because of racism or because they are Muslims that they do not get the hand up and so lash out at the Australian people and do all sorts of bad things and claim that they would be better off in Lebanon or where ever. But most have settled in Australia and have become a contributing part of society and enjoy the Australian way of life. But the other 2% well ....

    Most are very good people who just want to live in peace and raise their family and so on, but it is the bad one's that give all the imperssions.

  6. I have lots of Muslims friends in Australia and they're very nice. The way I look at the difference in their believes are similar to the way I look at different culture. So based on this view alone, my impression of muslims in Australia is good.

    There're some news of controversial Muslim preacher who preaches bad things in Sydney based on what was written on the newspaper but it doesn't change my view on my muslim friends.

    Some of the muslims assimilate really well into the society. I live one street away from one of the biggest Turkey (who are Muslims) society in Melbourne and have no problem at all. In Melbourne, we do have problems with Sudanese refugees (they're muslims too). Problems such as them not assimilating well, setting up gangs, etc - In my view, these problems occur because Victorian Government (the state where Melbourne city is) didn't do a good job of assimilating them. They put all these Sudanese refugee in one suburb of Dandenong, therefore in one place (not together with the other residents). So it's not really being a muslim or not more like if you put any new immigrants which come from the same cultural background in one place, you'll not be able to assimilate them well and quickly.

    Hope this helps!

  7. Muslims are people.  Therefore you will find the range of personalities that you will find in any group of people from ranting nutters to delightful people.

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