
Australians please answer!!?

by  |  earlier

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How do you do an absentee vote? Do you have to arrange it beforehand or do you go to the local school and fill one out there? Didn't realise I have to vote in the state elections and my partner and I are not enrolled to vote in our new town (1200kms away from our last home, so we can't just drive there to vote)




  1. Just go to the local polling station where you are now, on voting day, and tell them you need to do an absentee vote.  Very simple indeed.  Done it many times.

  2. You need to get your address changed to where you are living now,go to the electoral office where you now live and explain the situation or call them and ask about getting your address changed,--- maybe the post office would be able to help you, they used to have the enrollment forms to register to vote.  

  3. You can do a few different things. Depends whether you are voting in a local council election, a state election or a federal election. You can do a postal vote for your old address, then later when you are settled in make sure you change your name on the electoral rolls (you get the forms from the post office), so you will automatically go on at the new home next time. You can can sometimes do pre-polling, if there is a place in your new town. Ring the local electoral office and they will be able to tell you.

  4. You can do it two ways. You can get a postal vote from the electoral office (they're usually also available from local branches of the major parties) and mail it before the day, or you can turn up to a polling booth on election day and do an absentee vote there. An absentee vote is probably the easiest as they should be geared up on polling day to accept them and should have lists of candidates in your electorate.

  5. Call the AEC (Australian Electoral Commission) and they can change your address I think...  

    You can also get a form off their website

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